Legal entity 6444 E. MAIN, INC. is a business company registered in the Register of State Ohio with the Entity Number 1496653 under the legal form of CORPORATION FOR PROFIT. The company was written into the database at 21st October 2004 and its current status is Active. The seat of the company is at COLUMBUS, FRANKLIN. The registered agent of this company is DAVE HAMAD with the seat at 6444 E. MAIN ST. , REYNOLDSBURG, OH 43068. Its licence is currently Active.
Company information
Company name |
6444 E. MAIN, INC. |
Status |
Active |
Company number |
1496653 |
Company type |
Incorporation Date |
21st October 2004 |
Location |
County |
Registered Agent
Name |
Street |
6444 E. MAIN ST. |
City |
Zip |
OH 43068 |
Status |
Active |
Effective date |
21st October 2004 |
The company was set up by DAVE HAMAD.
All data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.
Related companies
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
- 6444 E. MAIN, INC.
Similar company number